Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 20

Lina and company refuge in abandoned home, where they plan out what to do with Rezo. Gourry asks why don't Lina use her Giga Slave that killed Rezo, but Sylphiel objects, saying that one wrong move could not only kill them, but destroy the world!
They travelling onto Rezo's lab, but are caught in the middle by a fish man, Rahanimu, sent by Eris. Gourry and Sylphiel get split up with Lina, Amelia, and Zelgadis who are fighting Rahanimu and other creatures.
Zangulus shows up and picks a fight with Gourry. He almost killed Sylphiel, but Gourry manages to hit him in a sensative spot that makes him retreat.
Meanwhile, with Lina, she can't defeat Rahanimu. After Zelgadis kills the other creatures (with no help from Amelia after he told her to get out of his way) with a fireball, he kills Rahanimu with a swipe of his sword. Lina thanks him, and Zelgadis comments how he just used his brain.
They make it to Rezo's lab, where Rezo is waiting for them...
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 21

They reach Rezo's sealed door (that is in the floor), and Lina tries to break it with a spell, which doesn't work. They figure out that it can't be open by any spell, which explains why Eris wanted Gourry's sword of light. Gourry uses the sword, and they enter.
They enter a room filled with crystals, where Rezo, Eris and Zangulus are waiting for them. With a touch, Rezo seperates them. Zangulus is upset, and goes off wanting to kill them, as Rezo promised with a reward.
Lina and Sylphiel are trapped in a room filled with statues of golems. Amelia and Zelgadis are trapped in a library (as Zelgadis tries to find a cure to become human), and Gourry is trapped in an arena like place, where Zangulus is waiting. Each room (except the arena) has a statue-like potrait of Rezo in it, where both Lina and Sylphiel finds creepy.
Lina and Sylphiel has a little girl chat while trying to find a way out. Sylphiel thought Lina was in love Gourry (like she is), but Lina reveals, she is just with
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 22

After walking forever, they reach a door, hoping to be the deep chamber, which turns out to be more stairs. They reach another door leading down to more staris, but notice another door. They know one is a trap, so they head for the other door. Which is a good thing because the first door (the one with the stairs) was indeed a trap.
They enter a room, where they meet this chicken monster named Tiiba. He reveals Rezo ""hired"" him to do some research in his lab, because some their are some spells only monsters could cast. Lina demands him to take them to the deepest chamber, or she'll eat him.
He brings them back where they first started, and stands on a what to be a platform to a short cut to the deepest chamber. They are now in front of a door, that only can be open with magic. Naturally, Lina steps up and opens the door. They enter the chamber, filled with many items. They have to look at every item that might be Rezo's legacy.
Slyphiel notices the Tiiba wandering off, and she
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 23

We find out that Rezo is actually a copy and maybe Vrumugun is disguise. Eris uses the tablet to bring forth Zanaffar, a demon beast who destroyed anicent Sairaag, and could be a match for Shanbrango if they fought.
Lina tries to stop Eris completing the process. Eris manages to hit Gourry's forehead with one of her jewels that controls him to attack (or kill rather) Lina. They fight for a while, and thanks to Sylphiel's small knowledge of magic, Zelgadis tells her to cast a Flare Arrow. It's small as a pen, and he aims it for Gourry's forehead. He snaps out of it, and they watch above as Eris starts the process again. She hails Rezo's avenge.
Just before Zanaffar is being (re)born, ""Rezo"" turns on Eris, and kills her with a shot thru her body. Eris falls, as ""Rezo"" agrees to her commitment on avenging Rezo's death on his terms as he removes the jewel from his head and breaks it.
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 24

We find out Eris created the copy of Rezo, and is still alive. The others want to try help her, but Rezo (will be still calling him Rezo although he is a copy) stops them, and kills Eris.
The connection is complete, and Rezo connects with the demon beast, Zanaffar, and has a lot of power. He picks a fight with the helpless group, who tries to stratch him but nothing works. Rocks start to fall on all of them, and Rezo saves them, saying that he want to kill them himself.
Lina then comments who it's small, and Amelia backs her up. Rezo then transports them above ground, and destroys the lab.
Rezo then flies up and wants to kill them. He wants to surpass the original Rezo by killing them, on what the original Rezo could not do. Rezo wants Lina to use the Giga Slave that killed the original Rezo, and she refuses. She tries to use the Dragon Slave, but it doesn't work.
He then forces Lina to use the Giga Slave when he starts to beat up everyone. She proceeds to take Gourry's Light o
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 25

Sylphiel along with Amelia manages to stop Lina's bleeding. Sylphiel reveals she'll need a full body healing. Rezo (or Zanaffar) tries to stop them, and with Zelgadis help, he sends Sylphiel and Lina off somewhere safe.
Gourry is about to do an attack on Zanaffar, but Prince Phil comes riding in with his horse. He tries to attack Zanaffar with a mace, but Zanaffar attacks back easily. Amelia then casts a dark mist spell, and all of them retreats. Amelia heals her father, while they think what to spell or attack to use against Zanaffar.
Back with Sylphiel, she goes to a safe place, and is ready to heal Lina... but that's when she notice when Lina looks a different color. Lina's dead! She hits her roughly his her chest, with her fists, and starts to do CPR. Lina's heart starts to beat again, so Sylphiel proceeds to do the full body healing spell which uses all of her strength. Sylphiel faints, as a big blast came out of her.
Sylphiel a then wakes up and notices that she used to
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 26

Rezo starts to destroy the Flagoon tree, while Gourry and company tries to think of another way to kill Rezo. They get an idea after Gourry saying, why can't Lina be here to power up his sword.
Meanwhile, Lina and Sylphiel run as they try to get to Rezo, with the Blessed Blade.
Gourry uses his powered up Sword of Light, thanks to Amelia and Zelgadis, and manages to hurt Rezo. Rezo is still to strong from them, but Lina shows up!
She gives them a plan to kill Rezo by using the tree, Flagoon. Rezo strikes back, but they are save when Sylphiel uses her defense. They proceed to attack Rezo with Gourry's powered up Sword of Light, as well as attacking themselves (Amelia and Zelgadis), while Lina puts the final thrust into Rezo's body and pins him against the tree. Sylphiel then uses a recover spell against the tree, and it proceeds to suck out the evil of Rezo.
After killing Rezo, they return back to Sairaag as they villagers proceed to build back their city. The gang (except Sylphie
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Next Temporada 02 Audio Latino

La historia trata de Rina Inverse, una poderosa hechicera quien a su vez es cazarecompensas, utilizando a veces de forma desmedida su magia negra para conseguir lo que desea. En el camino conoce a Goury
Gabriev (en el doblaje, llamado Gaudi), un caballero errante de carácter noble pero un poco cabeza hueca, quien posee una Espada de Luz, heredada por sus antepasados. Rina se une a Goury con el objetivo de
quitarle su espada y ganar un buen dinero, pero en el camino, ambos deben enfrentarse a Rezo, el Monje Rojo, quien a pesar de su fama de ser un buen samaritano, recurre a la magia negra para cumplir sus
metas. En su camino se unen Ameria Will Tesla Saillune, Zelgadiss Graywords y la hechicera Silphiel Nels Ladha, quienes viajan juntos para derrotar a Rezo y sus esbirros.
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